Daily News E-dition

Israel more inclusive than SA under ANC

SO LET’S take a deep look at apartheid Israel.

Israel will have an Israeli Palestinian minister in the new coalition, eight Israeli Palestinian members of parliament in the coalition, an Israeli Palestinian party in the new coalition, eight female ministers and a female Ethiopian minister.

The new government is one-third of Mizrahi origin (dark-skinned), 44 ministers and deputy ministers, 17 ministers not of the ruling party (old government).

Three totally different political parties make up the new government – is this democracy at work or what?

South Africa has a total of 61 ministers and deputy ministers, only one white minister (Barbara Creecy), only one white deputy minister (Mr J Jeffery), only one minister not from the ruling party. Which is the more democratic government?

Does Israel practise job reservation or, to put it in modern terminology, B-BBEE? Nothing of the sort, as Israeli Palestinians are represented in every aspect of civil life, from the government and the judiciary, to commerce and industrial activity. No B-BBEE scorecards are necessary for any position in Israel. No racial profiling for any state or private appointments is permitted.

Every civil and municipal department is staffed by both Palestinian and Israeli personnel. Israeli Palestinians serve in both the police and military at all levels up to staff officer, regardless of gender.

South Africa practises a stringent policy of affirmative action (a euphemism for blacks-only) to the prejudice of minority groups. Racial profiling is practised in government employment policy.

So who are the racists? Please will the ANC care to comment on the above facts.

We live in a hypocritical world, but there is hypocrisy and “uberhypocrisy” – guess where the ANC fits in?


| Tel Aviv, Israel






African News Agency